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Onshore and Offshore Wind

Discover our complete range of solutions for the design, optimization, operation, and analysis of onshore and offshore wind farms.

Our advanced software and services assess the wind farms’ potential, improve their performance, and maximize their production.


+20 years

of onshore and offshore wind expertise

+200 wind farms

for which we provide weather and power production forecasts

Leading software

solutions in resource and yield assessment.


of all sizes, on all types of terrain, even complex ones.

Powerful and profitable wind farms

Our solutions for wind farm developers and operators cover the entire lifecycle of your projects, from finding the optimal wind site to analyzing operational wind farms.

Our expertise in wind engineering, climatology, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and satellite technology enables us to develop highly accurate and reliable software and services.

Our comprehensive and rigorous approach maximizes the efficiency and profitability of wind projects, whether onshore or offshore.

Solutions for Developers

Solutions for Operators

Impact of climate change

on wind energy

Develop optimized wind farms

The creation of optimized wind farms from their conception is essential to fully harness the power of wind as a renewable energy source.

By selecting a site with high wind potential, ensuring the quality of the data used, and carefully planning the placement of wind turbines, it is possible to increase the efficiency of power production while reducing long-term costs. A well-thought-out design from the beginning of the project will ensure maximized production tailored to the implantation site characteristics.

Our solutions for developers

Design optimized, high performance wind farms with our software and services.

Meteodyn Universe / WT: Wind farm development software suite

Includes 5 software: GCS (data collection), WDA (data analysis), WT (wind farm potential analysis and design), WFO (AEP optimization, LCOE...) and WPA (wind farm performance analysis).

Virtual Met Masts & Mesoscale Data Delivery

Obtain mesoscale data from WRF simulations, temporal data, or correlate your long-term data.

Onshore & Offshore Wind Measurement Campaigns

Optimize the positioning of your measurement devices, collect and analyze your onshore and offshore data, and correct lidar and sodar data on complex terrain.

Wind resource and energy yield analysis

We accurately compute the wind resource at your onshore/offshore site using CFD technology, meso-microscale coupling and radar satellite imagery. Then, we compute the annual energy production according to IEC 61400 standards.

Wind Farm Optimization

We optimize the types of wind turbines and their positioning within your wind farm based on various criteria according to your needs: financial, energy production, levelized cost of energy (LCOE), etc.

Wind atlas

Identify the best onshore or offshore wind resources for your region or country with our wind atlases. Optimize wind farm siting and energy potential with this essential decision support tool.

Operate high performance wind farms

Monitoring the past, present, and future performance of wind farms is essential to maximize their production, optimize their profitability, and ensure their sustainability.

By forecasting future power production, it is possible to anticipate variations and optimally schedule maintenance. At the same time, real-time monitoring provides instant visibility into performance, enabling rapid intervention in the event of fluctuations and ensuring grid stability. Finally, historical performance analysis is essential for optimizing production, preventing failures, and managing profitability risks.

Our solutions for operators

Manage wind farms intelligently and optimize their operation using the power of data.

Meteodyn APM: Renewable energy asset management software suite

Composed of 3 software dedicated to the past, present, and future performance of assets:

  • WPA (performance analysis),
  • RTM (real-time monitoring),
  • Forecast (production forecast).

Wind power production forecasts

Accurate and reliable wind power production forecasts: intra-day, day-ahead, week-ahead, mid-term, long-term. High delivery availability: up to 4 times per hour.

Estimate the impact on your wind farms

Climate change will undoubtedly have an impact on the wind resource. Some currently windy sites will experience decreased wind speeds in the future, while others will see a significant increase in their wind potential.

By assessing how climate change will affect the wind resource of an area or the annual energy production (AEP) of a wind farm, it is possible to reduce financial risks and optimize the return on investment of a new project or a repowering.

Strategic and Financial Advisory

Analyze the impact of climate change on the wind resource and power production.

Study of climate change impact on wind energy

Reduce the risks associated with climate change throughout wind farms lifecycle and assess the repowering potential of a wind farm.


POSTER – Mesoscale-Microscale Coupling

Explore this poster detailing our mesoscale-microscale coupling approach to wind resource assessment, illustrated by a case study of a large coastal area in India.