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Predict and adapt

What will the wind or solar conditions be like in the next 10 minutes, in 4 days, in 2 weeks? What will the climate look like in 5, 20 or 40 years?

Anticipate the future in the short, medium, or long term with our weather forecast, our power production forecasts, and our climate projections.

Our services are specifically designed for the management of renewable energy, natural resources, cities and infrastructure. Make informed decisions that ensure the resiliency of your projects and territories.


Anticipate the future in the short, medium, or long term

Anticipate your power plants’ production and maximize their profitability with the combination of our weather forecasting and machine learning to ensure efficient and profitable management of your assets at all times. For even greater precision, we can also perform a micro-scale transposition.

Identify which climate risks will locally impact your energy resources, natural resources, or territories in the future. By intersecting various climate models with the IPCC’s RCP/SSP climate scenarios, we produce detailed maps of long-term climate projections from local to regional or national scales. We provide strategic solutions to address and adapt to current and future environmental risks and impacts, for enhanced climate resilience.

Power production forecasts
Climate change projections


White paper: Atmospheric boundary layer modelling

White paper: Atmospheric boundary layer modelling

From the general characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer to the impact of thermal effects and stability on turbulence, passing through the Monin-Obukhov’s similarity theory, this white paper covers all the knowledge needed for the atmospheric boundary layer modeling.

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Conference: Improve wind farms performance

Conference: Improve wind farms performance

Planning to attend All-Energy 2024 in Glasgow? Don’t miss out on the chance to participate in our exclusive technical conferences—free of charge, but seats are limited! These sessions will take place in a private meeting room at the SEC Glasgow during the event.

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