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Transportation and Networks

Discover our solutions dedicated to port, rail, and electrical transportation and network safety.

Our tailor-made software and services ensure wind safety for ships and trains and contribute to the stability of the high-voltage power transmission network.


120+ studies

of aerodynamic and climatological modeling

Meso, CFD, AI

for accurate modeling of wind, its effects, and meteorological variables.

+20 years

of wind engineering and climate analysis expertise


international projects, calibrated to your constraints and requirements

Secured Transportation and Infrastructure

Modeling wind and climate variables provides significant benefits to the port, rail, and high-voltage power grid sectors. By providing an accurate understanding of meteorological conditions, it enables anticipation and minimization of risks associated with high winds, storms, and extreme weather conditions.

For example, in port transportation, this translates into a wind forecasting tool for the port area that supports tugboat management and planning of docking and unloading operations, thereby reducing the risk of incidents.

In the rail industry, wind modeling plays a critical role in assessing the risks associated with crosswinds and defining appropriate mitigation measures to ensure safe operations.

Finally, for high-voltage power grids, climate modeling is critical to strengthening infrastructure resilience and ensuring grid stability.


Electric power transmission networks

Secure port operations and optimize costs

Wind forecasts enable naval authorities and pilots to anticipate meteorological conditions in the port. Our RT Windmap solution provides real-time monitoring of wind conditions at various time horizons. It distinguishes itself by its high accuracy in computing wind conditions, which is achieved through a combination of modeling the effects of topography and buildings on airflows, on-site wind measurement data, and weather forecasts.

Harbormasters, pilots, and stevedores benefit from increased visibility into current and future weather conditions, facilitating tugboat management, port operations, and informed decision making. For pilots, this real-time information enables safer navigation and better anticipation of potentially challenging conditions.

Our solutions for marine harbormasters and pilots

Monitor wind in real-time and in the short to medium term to secure and optimize routes and operations within the port.

RT Windmap: Port's wind monitoring software

RT Windmap is designed to secure ship maneuvering and handling operations in port. The software provides accurate visualization of wind speed and direction within the port in real or forecasted time, up to 8 nautical miles offshore. This is achieved by combining weather forecasts, on-site measurements and computations accounting for the influence of buildings and local topography.

Secure rail operations against crosswinds

Modeling wind flows along railroad tracks is essential to ensure train safety against crosswinds. Crosswinds can indeed affect the stability of moving trains and lead to overturning.

By accurately analyzing extreme wind characteristics along railway lines, our CFD modeling service provides an accurate view of high-risk areas and helps identify appropriate protection solutions. Whether it's windbreaks, crosswind detection systems, or meteorological forecasting tools, these safety measures play a critical role in preventing crosswind accidents.

Our solutions for railway companies

Ensure the safety of rail operations by assessing crosswind risks and benefit from our expertise in implementing protective solutions.

Railway Crosswind Safety

Dedicated consulting service for crosswind risk analysis and the definition of tailor-made protection solutions for high-speed railways, conventional lines, or elevated metro.

With a 50-meter resolution at train height, we accurately characterize extreme winds along the railway track. The results enable the definition of tailored protective measures that take into account the specific operational constraints of each project and ensure the safety of rail operations.

A secure and stable power grid

High voltage power lines are subject to meteorological elements. Heat, in particular, can weaken the infrastructure of the electrical transmission grid. High temperatures or windless heat waves, combined with the electrical current being carried, can cause power lines to overheat. This can cause expansion or weakening of the lines, and may even trigger a fire.

To mitigate these risks, modeling climatological variables such as wind, air temperature, and solar radiation is essential. It allows the characterization of conductor temperature distributions, especially statistical distribution tails, based on a reference current intensity. We can then map a geographic area based on the temperatures of a particular conductor associated with a given current intensity and quantile. These maps allow electricity network managers to establish a long-term strategy to optimize flows and prevent overheating.

Our solutions for electric power transmission networks

Assess the heating of high-voltage power lines on a regional or national scale.

Power line temperature assessment

Statistical analysis of the temperature of high-voltage power line conductors based on WRF modeling of climatological variables (wind, air temperature, solar radiation). Assessment of statistical distribution tails of conductor temperature based on current intensity.


Meteodyn at Key Expo in Rimini

Meteodyn at Key Expo in Rimini

Meteodyn at KEY Expo 2025: Explore our software solutions for wind modeling: wind energy, urban environments, and secure infrastructures. Understanding and mastering atmospheric phenomena are...

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White paper: Atmospheric boundary layer modelling

White paper: Atmospheric boundary layer modelling

From the general characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer to the impact of thermal effects and stability on turbulence, passing through the Monin-Obukhov’s similarity theory, this white paper covers all the knowledge needed for the atmospheric boundary layer modeling.

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